Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why do our kids / youth leave their church or spiritual roots?

I believe that we must understand that youth live in the realm of "It won't happen to me" and "short sightedness". They don't care to look far enough ahead to see that their decisions have consequences that can be life long, even if it's the decision to live indifferent toward their Creator. They usually don't plan to live that way forever BUT getting in that rut can lead down a path of ruin and devastation. They look back and wonder how they got there. They have to be brought down to the level of NEED TO FOLLOW GOD'S PLAN! Some learn it earlier than others. I am thankful that my baby daughter learned if very early by the Lord allowing her to be overweight from grades 4-8. I felt so sorry for her but I knew that her kind and loving spirit came because of her suffering! She is so beautiful now and no longer suffers the weight issue BUT her kindness and love for God abundantly shows to everyone! My other daughter took a walk like I mentioned above and suffered a time however, God was gracious and her consequences were short term. She now lives a responsible life and loves her Lord and her family! Praise God! Sometimes parents need to allow their child to "hit bottom" and face a few failures in order to be humbled and truly SEED GOD! Quit rescuing your children as you are robbing them from important spiritual life saving skills!

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that having a strong and vigorous Collegiate level Sabbath/Sunday school is extremely important as it gives our young people a network of fellow believers who help them when they are down and continue to be a source a guidance. The fellowship cannot be ignored if you want active youth to be in your church!


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